As well as offering a range of styling services to private clients, Hello Flora also work with everyone from architects, interior designers and stylists to property developers and retailers.
Case study: MEET BERNARD
Earlier this year we did an amazing project for Meet Bernard, South East London's coolest fashion store. Meet Bernard has just had it's 10 year anniversary so is an established business but the new owners wanted us to help them create some amazing window displays that would let their customers know something was changing. The brief was to convey the new season (spring), the new management and their new collection.
Our response was a riot of texture and colour that literally stopped people in the street. We filled a pair of jeans with exploding gorgeous blooms!
One the women's side of the shop we used floating flower stems to create a lush backdrop to their new collection.
We've just finished a project with interior designer, Laura Stephens. She had worked her magic to transform an utterly gorgeous house in Wimbledon and we came in right at the end to style flowers and vases into the space.